Parkway Tree Planting

The Village of Stickney recognizes that trees beautify and lend value to our homes, neighborhoods, parks and business areas. At the same time, trees conserve energy, help clean the air, protect rivers and streams, and provide a habitat for wildlife. The Village encourages tree planting in the community to allow our village to continue to strengthen and support our existing tree care program and enhance the quality of life in the village.

Planting a Parkway Tree

Planting trees on public property in the parkway is not allowed without a permit. Applications for a permit are available at the Village Hall through the building department. All trees planted must be approved by the Tree Board and Village Supervisor. Any contractor or landscaping company contracted to plant a tree on public property must be licensed and bonded.

You cannot cut down any tree or shrub exceeding eight feet in height on private property without having a permit. Applications for a permit are available at the Village Hall through the building department. Any contractor or landscaping company contracted to remove a tree on private property must be licensed and bonded.

After trees have been planted, they become the property of the Village, but are the responsibility of the property owner to maintain, with the exception of tree trimming and removal.

The guidelines for parkway tree planting help to ensure that healthy trees appropriate for right-of-way planting are selected. This helps prevent future traffic visibility problems and tree decline due to roadway salt. Bushes are not permitted to be planted in the parkways.

Permits and supervision by board of trustees

Applications for permits shall be made to the village clerk and are referred to the board of trustees. All trees planted should be placed subject to the directions and approval of the board of trustees.

Location and restrictions

Trees planted in the parkway less than three feet from the outer line of the sidewalk are not allowed. No tree shall be planted in parkways or streets at a distance less than eight feet from any crosswalk or intersecting street or alley.

No tree of any of the following kind shall be planted in any such place
(1) Ailanthus - Tree of Heaven
(2) Morus - Mulberry
(3) Catalpa - Catalpa
(4) Muclura – Osage Orange
(5) Populus – Poplar; Cottonwood
(6) Salix –Willow
(7) Acer negundo – Box Elder
(8) Ulmus (chinensis) – Chinese Elm
(9) Ulmus America Moline – Moline Elm
(10) Ulmus Americana – American Elm
(11) Populus Nigra Italica – Limbardi Poplar
(12) Any Evergreen species
(13) Ash

Call JULIE before you dig! Prior to submitting the permit application for approval and subsequent tree planting, residents must contact JULIE to locate underground utility locations. To contact JULIE call 800-892-0123.