


Resolution 01-2025 - A Resolution Appointing a Hearing Officer

Resolution 01-2025 Exhibit A - Reyes Contract


Resolution 01-2024 - Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Amicus Consulting

Resolution 01-2024 - Exhibit A - Amicus Governmental Consulting Agreement

Resolution 02-2024 Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 02-2024 Exhibit A

Resolution 02-2024 Exhibit B

Resolution 03-2024 Rock Salt Purchase State Contract

Resolution 03-2024 Rock Salt Purchase State Contract - Exhibit A

Resolution 04-2024 Contract Award ESN electric upgrades

Resolution 04-2024 Contract Award ESN electric upgrades Exhibit A

Resolution 05-2024 Ryan LLC Agreement

Resolution 05-2024 Exhibit A Ryan LLC Contract

Resolution 06-2024 Authorizing Cummins Water Tower Maintenance

Resolution 06-2024 Exhibit A Cummins Tower Contract

Resolution 07-2024 authorizing IGA with Cook County for Build Up Cook program

Resolution 07-2024 Exhibit A Intergovernmental Agreement

Resolution 08-2024 Appointing Trustees Officers Employees Officials

Resolution 09-2024 MJ Speed Bumps

Resolution 09-2024 Exhibit A 2024-0510 Stickney Speed Bump Proposal

Resolution 09-2024 Exhibit B 24203 Stickney Speed Hump Detail

Resolution 10-2024 Authorizing and approving agreement with Ntiva 080124

Resolution 10-2024 Exhibit A Ntiva_Inc. 228309.v2.42

Resolution 11-2024 Authorizing and approving agreement with Axon for car cameras 081524

Resolution 11-2024 Exhibit A Axon agreement

Resolution 12-2024 Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 12-2024 Exhibit A

Resolution 12-2024 Exhibit B

Resolution 13-2024 Ntiva authorizing and approving amended agreement with Ntiva 101024

Resolution 13-2024 Exhibit A Ntiva_Inc.230803.v1.4 revised_Redacted

Resolution 14-2024 24400 2025 IDOT MFT General Maintenance_Redacted

Resolution 15-2024 Guzman settlement agreement 110124

Resolution 15-2024 Exhibit A 7B Modification-Signed Copy_Redacted


Resolution 01-2023 - Authorizing IGA with Cook County for 41st Street Road Improvements

Resolution 01-2023 - Exhibit A Stickney 2023 Street Rehab Clean

Resolution 02-2023 - Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code - Ridgeland Avenue

Resolution 03-2023 - Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code - East Avenue

Resolution 04-2023 - Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code - 40th Street

Resolution 05-2023 - Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code - Motor Fuel Tax Funds

Resolution 06-2023 - Harlem-Pershing TIF Public Hearing Resolution JRF

Resolution 07-2023 - Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Axon for Car Cameras

Resolution 07-2023 - Exhibit A Axon Car Camera Purchase

Resolution 08-2023 - Election 4-4-23 Results

Resolution 08-2023 - Exhibit A Consolidated Election 4-4-23

Resolution 09-2023 - Appointing Trustees Officers Employees Officials

Resolution 09-2023 - Exhibit A

Resolution 10-2023 - Appointing Officials

Resolution 11-2023 Supporting Disaster Proclamation

Resolution 11-2023 Exhibit A Stickney Disaster Declaration Proclamation Media Release

Resolution 12-2023 - Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 12-2023 - Exhibit A

Resolution 12-2023 - Exhibit B

Resolution 13-2023 - Miller Settlement Agreement

Resolution 13-2023 - Exhibit A - Miller Signed Backpay Agreement

Resolution 13-2023 - Exhibit A-1 - Miller Award Calculations

Resolution 14-2023 - Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Cell Auction

Resolution 14-2023 - Exhibit A - Stickney Retainer

Resolution 15-2023 - Novotny agreement- lead service line inventory

Resolution 15-2023 Exhibit A lead line IEPA LSLI - Engineering Agreement.pdf

Resolution 16-2023 - Novotny agreement- MFT 2023 092723

Resolution 16-2023 Exhibit A 2023 Street Resurfacing Program - Engineering Agreement

Resolution 17-2023 re: Novotny Agreement - Maintenance Engineering

Resolution 17-2023 Exhibit A

Resolution 18-2023 Authoring MFTF

Resolution 19-2023 re: Water Operator

Resolution 19-2023 Exhibit A 2024-2026 Water Operator Contract Extension

Resolution 20-2023 - Interfund Debt


Resolution 01-2022 Regarding IGA Between Stickney and Forest View

Resolution 01-2022 Exhibit A

Resolution 02-2022 Authorizing and Approving Addendum with US Bancorp Related to Squad Purchases

Resolution 02-2022 Addendum Lease Agreement US Bank - Ambulance

Resolution 03-2022 Honoring Restaurant

Resolution 04-2022 Agreement with Full Circle K9 Solutions Inc.

Resolution 04-2022 Exhibit A Signed Copy Stickney Police Department Contract

Resolution 17-2022 Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Axon for Body Cameras

Resolution 17-2022 Exhibit A Stickney PD Final Signed Body Cam Taser Quote

Resolution 18-2022 Authorizing Proposal Air Comfort HVAC for FD

Resolution 18-2022 Exhibit A FD HVAC Replacement Request

Resolution 19-2022 Authorizing Proposal Stanley Securitas Door Security System for Police Dept.

Resolution 19-2022 Exhibit A New Memo Regarding Door Security and Proposal Securitas

Resolution 20-2022 Participation in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System

Resolution 20-2022 Exhibit A MABAS Master Agreement

Resolution 21-2022 Settlement with Commonwealth Edison Company and Azavar Audit Solutions, Inc.

Resolution 21-2022 Exhibit A Settlement Agreement

Resolution 223-2022 Agreement with Novotny 113022 v. 2 clean

Resolution 24-2022 Agreement with Shallow Creek Kennels police dog 110922

Resolution 24-2022 Exhibit A Shallow Creek Signed Contract


Resolution 01-2021 TIF Stickney Cicero-Pershing - v3

Resolution 02-2021 Eligo Energy

Resolution 02-2021 Exhibit A - Aggregation Agreement Extension

Resolution 03-2021 April 6, 2021 Election Results

Resolution 04-2021 Appointing Trustees Officers Employees Officials

Resolution 05-2021 Supporting Restoration of LGDF Revenue

Resolution 06-2021 Conduent Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Conduent

Resolution 06-2021 Exhibit A

Resolution 07-2021 PBS. Authorizing and Approving Agreement with PBS

Resolution 07-2021 Exhibit A PBS Stickney Agreement

Resolution 08-2021 Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Canon

Resolution 08-2021 Exhibit A Lease

Resolution 08-2021 Exhibit B Addendum

Resolution 09-2021 Fire Ambulance Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Foster

Resolution 09-2021 Exhibit A Horton Quote and Financing Information

Resolution 10-2021 Authorizing and Approving Agreement with Alarm Co

Resolution 10-2021 Exhibit A

Resolution 12-2021 Authorizing And Approving A Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement

Resolution 12-2021 Geary Letter

Resolution 12-2021 Exhibit A

Resolution 13-2021 Rebuild Illinois

Resolution 14-2021 MFT

Resolution 15-2021 Street Resurfacing

Resolution 15-2021 Exhibit A 2021 Street Resurfacing - Contract Award Recommendation

Resolution 16-2021 Authorizing IML to Act as a Clearing House for Foreign Fire Insurance

Resolution 17-2021 Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code

Resolution 18-2021 Novotny Agreement for MFT Funds

Resolution 18-2021 Exhibit A 2022 IDOT MFT GM Rock Salt Documents

Resolution 19-2021 Agreement with Quicket

Resolution 20-2021 Agreement with Omega

Resolution 20-2021 Exhibit A 6915 Pershing Rd Demolition Proposal

Resolution 21-2021 Kane McKenna Agreement

Resolution 21-2021 Exhibit A Harlem-Pershing Corridors

Resolution 22-2021 Exhibit A New Meter Agreement

Resolution 22-2021 Quadient Authorizing and Approving Agreement Converted


Resolution 01-2020 IGA between Stickney and Forest View

Resolution 01-2020 Exhibit A IGA between Stickney and Forest View

Resolution 02-2020 Stickney 45th Street

Resolution 03-2020

Resolution 03-2020 Exhibit A

Resolution 04-2020

Resolution 04-2020 Exhibit A

Resolution 05-2020

Resolution 05-2020 Exhibit A

Resolution 06-2020 TIF Inducement Resolution

Resolution 06-2020 Exhibit A Cicero-Pershing Area

Resolution 07-2020 Kane McKenna Agreement

Resolution 07-2020 Exhibit A Kane McKenna TIF Agreement

Resolution 08-2020 Awarding Masonry Bid for Pumping Stations

Resolution 08-2020 Exhibit A Pumping Station Masonry Repair Project

Resolution 09-2020 Approve Award of Contract_45th Street

Resolution 09-2020 Exhibit A Recommendation for Contract Award Bid Tabulation

Resolution 10-2020

Resolution 11-2020 Approve Verizon Master Pole Agreement

Resolution 11-2020 Exhibit A Verizon-Stickney Master Pole Attachment Agreement

Resolution 12-2020 Approving Financial Consultants_GW Associates- V2

Resolution 12-2020 Exhibit A GW & Associates Stickney Service Agreement July 2019

Resolution 13-2020 Appointing Frank Figueroa to Deputy Police Chief- V2

Resolution 13-2020 Exhibit A Appointing Frank Figueroa DC

Resolution 15-2020 Approve Payment to Lindahl Brothers

Resolution 15-2020 Exhibit A - Payment to Lindhal Brothers

Resolution 16-2020 Auditing Agreement

Resolution 16-2020 Exhibit A Lauterbach Amen Engagement Letter

Resolution 17-2020

Resolution 18-2020

Resolution 18-2020 Exhibit A

Resolution 19-2020

Resolution 19-2020 Exhibit A

Resolution 19-2020 Exhibit B

Resolution 20-2020

Resolution 20-2020 Exhibit A


Resolution 02-2019 Rock Salt Contract Renewal

Resolution 03-2019 Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 04-2019 Withdrawing from IRMA

Resolution 05-2019 Approving Kinoka Minolta Agreement

Resolution 05-2019 Konica Exhibit A

Resolution 06-2019

Resolution 06-2019 Exhibit A

Stickney Resolution 07-2019 Exhibit A Appointments

Resolution 08-2019

Resolution 08-2019-Exhibit-A

Resolution 09-2019 Approving ADP for Payroll and Related Services

Resolution 10-2019

Resolution 11-2019 Authorizing Lighting - Village Hall and PD

Resolution 11-2019 Exhibit A

Resolution 12-2019 Authorizing Proposal Ampstun Corp

Resolution 12-2019 Exhibit A Billing (5 Years of Data)

Resolution 13-2019 Approving Cost Sharing IGA for SPRP Grant

Resolution 13-2019 Cost sharing IGA Exhibit A

Resolution 14-2019

Resolution 15-2019 Awarding Paving Bid to MJ Paving

Resolution 15-2019 Exhibit A 19235 Contract Award Recommendation Bid Tab

Resolution 16-2019 Revoking Withdrawal from IRMA

Resolution 17-2019

Resolution 18-2019

Resolution 19-2019 Awarding Bid for Resurfacing

Resolution 20-2019 Appointing Beth Lukas as Authorized IMRF Agent

Resolution 21-2019 Authorizing approval of 2019 Cook County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

Resolution 22-2019 Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 23-2019 Appointing Zoning Administrator

Resolution 25-2019 Approve Payment to Lindahl Brothers


Resolution 01-2018 MFT Street Repair

Resolution 02-2018 Re. Novotny Police Dept. Repair

Resolution 04-2018 Authorizing Agreement with Waste Management

Resolution 05-2018 Appointing Deputy Clerk

Resolution 06-2018 Appointing Certain Members of the Board of Trustees and Certain Officers

Resolution 07-2018 Approving Auditors_Revised

Resolution 08-2018 Network Consolidation_Clean

Resolution 11-2018 Authorizing Grate Signs - digital sign-V2

Resolution 11-2018 Exhibit Stickney Digital Sign 6-4-2018

Resolution 13-2018

Resolution 13-2018-B

Resolution 14-2018

Resolution 14-2018-B

Resolution 15-2018

Resolution 15-2018-A

Resolution 16-2018

Resolution 17-2018

Resolution 18-2018

Resolution 20-18

Resolution 19-2018

Resolution 20-18 Exhibit-a

Resolution 21-2018

Resolution 22-2018

Resolution 23-2018

Resolution 24-2018 Contract Award Street Light Bid_H H Electric-V4

Resolution 24-2018 Contract with H&H Electric for LED

Resolution 25-2018 Authorizing IGA with Lyons for Fire Department Mutual Aid_V2

Resolution 25-2018 Exhibit A Clean Automatic Aid Agreement 9.26.18

Resolution 26-2018 Authorizing GKB Agreement Engagement for George K. Baum_V4

Resolution 26-2018 Exhibit A Stickney_2018 Refunding GKB Engagement Agmt (002)

Resolution 26-2018 Exhibit A Stickney Series 2008 Refunding Analysis (002)

Resolution 27-2018 Agenda Memo - 911 Software for Consolidation Clean

Resolution 27-2018 Exhibit A CIS Invoice

Resolution 27-2018 Purchase of Dispatch Sofware_V3 Clean


Resolution 01-2017 Municipal Collections Services, Inc.

Resolution 02-2017

Resolution 03-2017

Resolution 04-2017

Resolution 06-2017

Resolution 07-2017

Resolution 08-2017

Resolution 09-2017

Resolution 11-2017 Attorney Contract 6-15-17

Resolution 11-2017 Attorney-Agreement

Resolution 12-2017

Resolution 13-2017 Authorizing GWA Auditors Agreement 7-18-17

Resolution 14-2017 Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 16-2017 Appointing Anthony Bertuca as Village Ethics Advisor

Resolution 17-2017 Appointing Commissioner to BFPC

Resolution 18-2017 Appointing Plumbing Inspector

Resolution 19-2017 Agreement with Musial Appraisal Company

Resolution 20-2017


Resolution 01-16

Resolution 02-16

Resolution 03-2016 Agreement With Kane, McKenna and Associates for the Village of Stickney

Resolution 04-2016 457 Plan

Resolution 05-2016 Exhibit A

Resolution 05-16 Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 05-2016 Exhibit B

Resolution 07-2016 Authorizing Intervention in PTAB Proceedings

Resolution 09-2016 ETSB Waiver

Resolution 10-2016 Novotny MFT Project

Resolution 10-2016 Exhibit A Resurfacing of East 7-19-16

Resolution 11-2016

Resolution 12-2016 Exhibit A

Resolution 12-2016 Exhibit-B

Resolution 12-2016 Release of Executive Session Minutes

Resolution 14-2016 Exhibit A-MOU Patrol 12 Hr Shifts

Resolution 15-2016 Authorizing Union Letter Agreement

Resolution 15-2016 Exhibit A for Letter of Agreement for PW Foreman

Resolution 16-2016 Current Technologies


Resolution 01-2015

Resolution 02-2015

Resolution 02-2015 Exhibit A

Resolution 02-2015 Exhibit B

Resolution 03-2015

Resolution 04-2015

Resolution 05-2015

Resolution 06-2015

Resolution 07-2015

Resolution 08-2015

Resolution 09-2015

Resolution 11-2015

Resolution 12-2015


Resolution 17-2015

Resolution 17-2015 Exhibit A

Resolution 17-2015 Exhibit B

Resolution 18-2015

Resolution 19-2015

Resolution 20-2015

Resolution 21-2015

Resolution 22-2015

Resolution 23-2015

Resolution 23-2015 Filming Agreement

Resolution 23- 2015 Location Agreement


Resolution 01-2014

Resolution 02-2014

Resolution 04-2014

Resolution 04-2014 Exhibit A

Resolution 04-2014 Exhibit B

Resolution 05-2014

Resolution 06-2014


Resolution 01-2013

Resolution 02-2013

Resolution 03-2013

Resolution 04-2013

Resolution 05-2013

Resolution 06-2013

Resolution 07-2013

Resolution 08-2013

Resolution 09-2013

Resolution 10-2013

Resolution 11-2013

Resolution 12-2013